Course Director
Marie Therese Bishay was first introduced to the Montessori method in 2000, and has since dedicated her time to the growth of the Montessori education in Egypt, Africa, and the Arab World.
After working with Mrs. Richardt for over 7 years at the International Montessori Preschool, she successfully started five Montessori classes for underprivileged children in Egypt, and established an authentic Montessori environment for children and families of the underserved Masaken Al Zelzal, Mokattam, with the NGO Alwan w Awtar.
In 2015, she was made the director of the Montessori Educational Programs International-Teacher Education Program (MEPI-TEP) in Egypt, and was elected as ambassador on the MEPI board, serving for two years. She established the Montessori Egyptian Center, expanding the MEPI-TEP across the region, and providing a wide array of services for professionals and families, as well as programs serving children. As a certified MEPI site, the IMP is also supported by the Montessori Egyptian Center through supervision and consultancy.
Bishay continues her long commitment to IMP through visits, support to teachers, and, on occasion, modeling teaching and classroom management herself.